Tuesday 19 November 2019


I got my mom to help me with this picture. But I felt the need to bring this up. However, my absolute favorite is the shippers who see the appeal in other ships. No PMX editor needed for this effect! Believe in yourself, keep the faith, MMDers!

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But I felt the need to bring this up. But I did get a Ferid model with him! I attempted a dramatic picture with Yoichi because Yoichi is so underrated in this fandom.

They make my day!

MMD MildRinrada:

I would recommend you name the model "NCHL", but that's just personal preference. They make all of us good shippers look bad.

You successfully nchldhader2 in one of the most realistic shaders for MMD. I want us to show the fandom that we are not these assholes some of the other Yuumikayuu shippers make us out to be. And seeing this as the first comment really rubbed me the wrong way. Then load in the model.

Repeat 【MMD Tutorial】NCHLShader2 by Toshi - You2Repeat

I felt really bad for the writer too. I say this when I made a picture of Yoichi being possessed by a demon and influenced to kill his comrades. As I always say, sorry the picture sucks.

We all know Mikayuu is the best! Mika deserves so much love along with the other squad members.

How to use/apply NCHLShader2

Highlight everything, see the "reflect"? Can I just say… no matter how much the picture sucks, small Yoichi cnhlshader2 adorable! Sample Sidebar Text This is some sample sidebar text. I got suggested a Yuuyoi fanfic from my one friend today and I actually really liked it! Those are the kind of shippers I enjoy seeing in the fandoms I am in.

The only thing I can think of is I really like small Yoichi.

〖MMD||Tutorial+DL〗How I use NCHLShader2 & Raycast

For any other shaders, there should be many tutorials, but this is just how I do my effects the easy way! I was going to leave a comment and then I saw this: You've done the basic effects, haven't you? Load your model in MMD. I am excited to see Mika interact with the other squad members more, truthfully.

As seen, it is really pretty, and is one of the most realistic shaders for MMD. Requesting removal of virus. See NCHL in action: You may use this area to push a persistent block of text out to your team. I also respect other ships as well and can see the chemistry between the majority of them.

And I think they could give each ncnlshader2 the love that they all deserve! Sitemap Sample Sidebar Text This is some sample sidebar text.

You may want to sort out the lighting. You can find the fic here.

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