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If one compares what the parents and children say about Religious Education, one may conclude that positive opinions prevail. Religious education has not been introduced in Montenegro, where public opinion is divided on the issue. Teacher Training The training and selection of teachers plays a key role in the realization of Religious Education. There are positive examples of countries that do not have religious education in public schools. However, in , a new regulation made the choice of one of the two subjects compulsory. gradjansko vaspitanje za prvi razred osnovne skole

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gradjansko vaspitanje za prvi razred osnovne skole

The books are, in general, characterized by a dogmatic and theological approach. The Case of Serbia Hamidullah, Muhammed. More precisely, the issue eazred public religious education in Serbia appeared to be a litmus test for the forthcoming legislation on religious organizations and for the new social sko,e political role of religious communities, especially the Orthodox Church, in Serbia today.

It vaepitanje five thematic parts and 29 lessons. The return to religion and rise of religiosity were some of the most important reasons for introducing religious education. You might find ne. Even though it was not compatible with the programs and contents of other school subjects, Religious Education was launched in Serbian schools in Novemberas an optional subject for students of the first grade of elementary school and high school ninth grade.

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The Case of Serbia 6. The religious complexity of the region is further enriched by the growing presence of Protestantism. Voyage Ne si and English xx through Tamil It is simply because that they not have the si to voyage fluent English. All books must be revised by the Commission of the Ministry of Religious Affairs which controls and approves the textbooks.

The Case of Serbia level of the Belgrade Metropolitanate. In the early s, religious activities were renewed, first with an anti-sectarian discourse and process of stigmatization of religious sects, seen as the common threat that homogenized religious groups.

Early in the debate, some ———— 9 See the next section Legislation. There is no simple answer to this question. On the one hand, views such as: The number of students opting for Religious Education has not skoel precisely determined.

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The standard sociological studies employ religiosity indicators with predetermined gradmansko, among which the respondents choose one. Normally, the conversion from Islam was considered a political treason and it was punished, but history shows that this punishment was not applied. There are also sections on Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam. The confessional, multi-denominational model has survived a constitutional challenge, whereas proposals for a subject based on a multi-cultural, comparative Religious Studies approach have not been accepted.

This was an argument often raised by the SOC representatives, who complained about the communist decision to ban religious education from public schools soon after the end of WW II. Vaspitsnje the same time, a number of parents and students make remarks about the process of teaching with regard to the organization and conditions of work, teaching methods and teachers themselves.

Religious education: The case of Serbia

Towards the end of the textbook for the first and second grades of high school, there is a lesson about the creation of the world and the primeval fall. Four years later, it is possible to assess both the preconditions of the Serbian government decision and the consequences, related not only to initial experiences in the primary and secondary schools, but also to church-state relations religious rights and freedoms in general.

Teacher Training The training and selection of teachers plays a key role in the realization of Religious Education. In this program, students were given a chance not only to learn about various theoretical models and methods used in research on religion today, but also to study world religions in their different historical, cultural, and social settings and aspects.

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Religious education in public schools will violate the constitution and affect church-state relations in Serbia. It implies freedom oosnovne religious instruction and education within religious communities, but not necessarily in the public school system. The rationale for this governmental decision was primarily political and pragmatic.

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Religija, porodica i mladi. Related videos Practice speaking English alone at home. There is no mentioning of waging war in order to coerce people to adopt Islam.

English Xx Through Amigo. Let us group and comment on the more articulate arguments for and against the proposed model of religious education.

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