Thursday 28 November 2019


I usually use vinyls, but when there are not turntables present, or the cd players are not CDJ I use burned timecodes, with my dj name as cd text, and leave my original ones at home. The first part should have been obvious haha - not sure why I wanted to reconnect a deck that's currently connected: I purchased Traktor Scratch immediately after its first release , and I have bought every upgrade after. Thanks makar1, I'll try and figure out what went wrong. Cyribro , Feb 2, Like I said, possible ignorance, so please correct me and change my mind if I am wrong. traktor scratch pro timecode cd mk2

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It seems a bit stiff to hold back the. Apologies in advance if I'm breaking any rules I may have clumsily missed on my way here I've searched for threads on this issue to no avail, so scratvh you happen to know if this issue has most likely been brought up, feel free to link me, and I'll head over there.

traktor scratch pro timecode cd mk2

Yes, my password is: I am stating this from a possible point of ignorance, so I apologise if I xd the bear with this: In order for it to work your software has to be registered with a serial that belonged to one of the older versions. Things like hitting the cue button, does the track immediately jump back? Please purchase new ones from NI online store or your nearest DJ stockist.

Sccratch really appreciate the reply.

Native instruments traktor scratch pro timecode cd

Earlier versions had already paid the license fee for the use of the timecodes while newer versions have not. I have a dns If I have the key lock activated its impossible to cue right. You must log in or sign up to reply here.

Actually it would be good if we could post which cd decks it solved the skipping issue with. This will not happen with the updated timecode version 0. I foresee a decent evening's worth of beat gridding lol.

Traktor 2 CD Timecode Download? | NI Community Forum

With these CD decks, the scope panel in Traktor displayed "Skipping" with the original timecode even while the CD played normally. Your name or email address: And all help is appreciated, regardless! Friends, where can I found the Timecode Update to Download? No, create an account now.

You cannot use keylock on your cdj when using timecode cd's. No, create an account now. Why were they letting us DL the licensed TC but not their product.

Hearing timecode signal through your mixer means either the wiring is wrong, or you have the A10 set to Direct Thru, or Traktor is set to Live input. No need for your Audio 6 or timecode CDs in this case. Can i use the new timecodes with it? You can download the timecodes from the downloads section of Native Instruments site for free. Timecode on CD is a waste of time. If anyone out there has had a similar experience, or can surmise the cause, I'd love traktog hear advice, horror stories, or anything to assure me that I'm not the only one Thanks in advance.

Traktor 2 CD Timecode Download?

With the old TC the tracks skipped 2 sec after I pressed play now it's gone. It showed the grey'd-out timecodd, and never switched to the comforting yellow and blue shape which would have indicated proper calibration.

Devon DamnitFeb 2, Use the keylock in Traktor. My trusty Audio 10 is in great condition, and can calibrate to the timecode vinyl I use with no problem. Yimecode first part should have been obvious haha - not sure why I wanted to reconnect a deck that's currently connected: DJBanyonJan 11, I could only Scratch with one deck the other wouldnt scratch or if I try to spin the track back with the jog wheel It doesnt work.

traktor scratch pro timecode cd mk2

DJ FreshflukeJan 31,

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